ACCOUNTABILITY Even the most dedicated find times where it's easy to cop out if know one else is looking or there to guide you in the right direction. With my experience of circuits i have learned over the last decade how to create classes to make sure there is nowhere to hide for anyone! You will find a way to hold yourself responsible for your goals with the help of myself when times get hard!
FRIENDS I have taken numerous classes over the years and hands down circuits has always been the one with the tightest bond of people. Its social and gruelling and everyone respects and relates to each other. Its the only class we had annual Christmas parties!!! Friends are sometimes made for life and we love new people to come in and try it out.
IT’S OUTDOOR and INDOORS!!! Whilst it is great to train outdoors and get some fresh air, we also have the luxury of being able to take the circuit indoors. Training outdoors can really kick start your day and make you feel like your taking on more than what some might not dare. Yes it can be cold and sometimes wet, but its a great feeling when your done! If the weather on occasions is too bad and not practical, we have a studio we can work you out in just as effectively.
FITNESS You will work harder than normal. Staying consistent week in and week out will undoubtably have a positive impact on your fitness! There is nothing more persuading even for those who are not competitive to keep up with multiple people working out next to you and none of you wanting to stop first! Nothing happens over night, fitness will grow in time well spent.
HEALTH Generally in a class of 20 people there are various goals and lifestyles. One objective we all have in common is we want to be healthy. Working within this group with allow you along the way to learn and gain new knowledge from the members and myself wether it may be workouts and exercises or general nutrition and lifestyle choices.
IT’S FUN It has to be FUN! If you can't enjoy what form of exercise you do i genuinely believe you will get very little out of it. I can't stand swimming. As effective and beneficial as i know it may be, i would be wasting my time if i was forced to do it as i would most likely half heartedly swim and be bored the whole time. With these classes they will always be varied and that alone makes it more fun and prevents boredom setting in.
STRESS RELIEF This does relate to circuit training but strongly relates to fitness training as a whole. We live in a world now where society has caused us all to have stress from the work place and in our homes. Maybe we are not as tough as our previous generations??? Either way regardless of who has had it worse and who is weaker, one thing that is proven to be more effective for combatting stress over any drug is exercise!!!! Get a sense of self achievement and start using your bodies for what they are really made for and embrace the fresh air to drop stress levels instantly!
YOU’LL BE HAPPY Looking at everything i have already discussed one thing is surely clear.....You must be happier!!!! If you feel good about yourself inside and out you will feel more confident and content. That alone will help your personal life along with your working life feel much more satisfying!
IT’S A BARGAIN! Finally its CHEAP!!! My business has always been primarily as a Personal Trainer. And although its my business i am the first to admit it's not cheap but thats because your paying for one to one attention with a specialist in the fitness field. Working within a group environment will bring down the cost but with the experience of working with large groups at a successful rate, the standards will never drop!
The new class will launch mid August within the premisses of Rustons Sports Club. More Details will follow.
Please contact me for further information with details found on the site.
Sean Taylor Excel Fitness